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April 2021 calendar template


The April 2021 calendar template in PowerPoint format includes 6 slides of different styles for monthly layout. With the assistance of our calendar template, you can reach a good balance between your life and work easily. The calendar series templates including Printable calendar 2021 template, 2021 calendar monthly template, Printable 2020 calendar monthly template, Printable calendar 2020 template, Printable calendar 2019 template, Printable calendar 2018, Calendar 2018 template, and Free 2017 Calendars PowerPoint Template.

Slide 1, Editable April 2021 calendar template with note section per day

This style is the most popular one with numbers above, room for notes below. The other characteristic is you can also learn the ending days of last month or beginning days of next month in the same week. To plan your tasks early, it would make you work and life not to be interrupted by month transition.

 Printable April 2021 calendar template

Slide 2, Calendar April 2021 template with numbers on lower left corner

It is easier for you to put the numbers in different positions of the cell. Just select all the numbers, right click the mouse and select the last one to configure format of shapes, then select the text box, left, middle, right align. The most tricky one is for inter space in the lowest section, you can fine tune the distance between the numbers and lines. It is common to keep 0.1 centimeters.

 Printable April 2021 calendar template

Slide 3, Editable April 2021 calendar template with March and May calendar as reference

As you would like to see the ending days of March and beginning days of May, to be in the same week with April 1st. What is important is the Easter holiday schedule; you can plan in advance for big family activities.

 Printable April 2021 calendar template

Slide 4, Printable holidays in April 2021

  • April 1 is for the April fool’s day, for practical jokes in many countries. The simplest jokes may involve children who tell each other that their shoelaces are undone and then cry out “April Fool!”
  • April 4 is for the Easter, which is a holy festival celebrated by churches across the world. An important feature of the festival is an egg. Many families use this occasion to do family gatherings.
  • Earth Day was founded in 1970 as a day of education about environmental issues, and Earth Day 2021 will occur on April 22, which is the holiday’s 51st anniversary.

 Printable April 2021 calendar template

Slide 5, Editable April 2021 template with notes

You can mark relevant important dates on our calendar template, notifying the things needed to be done on those dates, such as birthdays, meetings, and visits.

 Printable April 2021 calendar template

Slide 6, Printable Calendar April 2021 template with number of weeks

Plan your April month activities and fit it into the whole year schedule by the numbers of weeks, what needed to be accomplished.

 Printable April 2021 calendar template

For detailed pls refer to Simple Wikipedia.

Type: PPTX

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