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Pokemon type chart template


The Pokemon type chart Template in PowerPoint format includes six slides. They are the combination of icons, words, and numbers to show the effectiveness of types, i.e. pokemon strength and weakness chart. You can download and print our pokemon effectiveness chart for playing and battling with your friend, one as attacker and the other as defender. As the same diagram PowerPoint template series, you can also find our Data Mining, Smart City, cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0 and BlockChain PowerPoint templates.

Slide 1, Generation 6 Pokémon Type Chart with 18 types

There are 18 types of pokemon chart, which are Normal, Fire, Water, Electric, Grass, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Ground, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Steel, and Fairy. The chart key meaning as below.

  • 0 -No effect (0%)
  • ½ -Not very effective (50%)
  • blank-Normal (100%)
  • 2 -Super-effective (200%)

pokémon type chart

Slide 2 Generation 6 Pokémon Type Chart with 18 icons standing for the type respectively

To use icons can quickly identify the type associated with it, attacker or defender should use Pokémon and moves that have a type advantage over the other; doing so will result in more damage than normal.

 type chart

Slide 3 Generation 6+ Pokemon Type Chart highlighting the effectiveness of types

The slide uses red, green and black colors to represent Not very effective, Super-effective, and No effect respectively. So the blank or white color can stand for the Normal. A for Attacker and D for Defender.

go type chart

Slide 4 Generation 6+ Pokemon Type Chart uses colors to identify Pokemon and moves quickly

It is obvious that the 18 Pokémon and moves are hard to recognize because the text and icon are so small, so with the help of colors, it is comfortable to get the effectiveness through the rows and columns.

pokemon effectiveness chart

Slide 5 Generation 6+ Pokemon Type Chart uses colors to stand for effectiveness

Unlike the slide 3 or 4, this slide applies colors without numbers to show the effectiveness of Pokémon and moves.

pokemon type advantage chart

Slide 6 Generation 6+ Pokemon Type Chart uses shapes to represent effectiveness

Here we use the circle, triangle and cross as keys for Super-effective, Not very effective, and No effect respectively.

pokemon strength and weakness chart

For detailed on pokemon types, please visit offical website.

Type: PPTX

[sociallocker]Aspect Ratio: Standard 4:3
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Aspect Ratio: Widescreen 16:9
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