Texas County Map with 9 Slides


Slide 4-5, Texas Councils of Government

Councils of governments (COG) are voluntary organizations of local governmental entities that coordinate programs and services to address needs that cross jurisdictional boundaries. It is from the Texas Association of Regional Councils that Currently Texas State has 24 COG regions. From the official website, each region has its own sites giving detailed information, such as.

  • North central Texas council of governments
  • Ark Tex council of governments
  • Central Texas council of governments
  • East Texas council of governments

In our slides, you can check the 24 COG regions with their abbreviations and full names respectively. Furthermore, the text and the region shapes are grouped into two layers, so you can easily customize your regional council map.

Texas map

Texas map


It is from Texas Legislative Council, the districts set out in bills enacted during the 87th Legislature, 3rd Called Session, apply to elections beginning with the primary and general elections in 2022, so the next four slides are based on followed plans and extract the GIS shape data accordingly.

  • B. 1, State House Districts (PlanH2316)
  • B. 4, State Senate Districts (PlanS2168)
  • B. 6, Texas Congressional Districts (PlanC2193)
  • B. 7, State Board of Education Districts (PlanE2106)

Slide 6, Texas State House Districts

There are 150 State House Districts in Texas according to PlanH2316. You will check the slide with a blank map and the labeled map. According to the State government, The Texas House of Representatives is composed of 150 members, each elected for a two-year term.

Texas State House Districts