Kurdistan Map free templates


The Map of Kurdistan Template in PowerPoint format includes two slides, that is, the blank Kurdistan map and Kurdistan outline map with cities. Firstly, our Kurdistan outline map free templates have major cities on it, which are Erbil (Hawler), Diyarbakır (Amed), Kermanshah (Kirmashan), Kirkuk (Kerkuk), Mosul, and Aleppo. Secondly, there are 4 countries which consisting our Kurdistan map free templates, highlighting the four countries that are Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran.

The Kurdistan Map free templates include two slides.

Slide 1, Blank Kurdistan Map free templates

Our Map of Kurdistan is for Kurdistan or Greater Kurdistan is a roughly defined geo-cultural region wherein the Kurdish people form a prominent majority population and Kurdish culture, languages and national identity. Contemporary use of the term refers to the following areas. Firstly southeastern Turkey is Northern Kurdistan. Secondly northern Iraq is Southern Kurdistan. Thirdly northwestern Iran is Eastern Kurdistan. Finally northern Syria is Rojava or Western Kurdistan. It is noted that the Map of Kurdistan is the region of consisting parts from 4 Asia countries. Namely, they are Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. You can found them in our Kurdistan map free templates.

Map of Kurdistan with outline labeled on the Kurdistan map free templates
Kurdistan Outline map

Slide 2, Map of Kurdistan labeling with major cities

The major cities in Kurdistan are including Erbil (Hawler), Diyarbakır (Amed), Kermanshah (Kirmashan), Kirkuk (Kerkuk), Mosul, and Aleppo.  What is more, every individual political subdivision is an editable shape. The labels and shapes are different layers. In a word, you can change the texts, colors, sizes, highlight some map shapes, and add your charts. At the same time you can also refer to the fully labeled Map of Kurdistan in Wikipedia. The most important of all, analysts from marketing research companies, consultants from professional firms think highly of our website yourfreetemplates.com. Because our maps can help them reduce their efforts and create attractive maps.

Map of Kurdistan with cities on the Kurdistan map free templates
Kurdistan map with cities

Type: PPTX

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